3rd Grade Worksheets
Division: Equal Groups (Part Two)
Linking Ideas With Transition Words
Practicing Commutative Property With Arrays
Prefix Practice: Make A New Word
Pictographs: Say Cheese!
Reading Comprehension: The Man, The Boy, And The Donkey
Hundreds Board Challenge #2
Multiple Meaning Words: Matching
Using Context: Multiple Meaning Words
Identify Supporting Details
Measurement Mania #8: Mark It!
Portion Control: Color The Fractions
Introduction To Fractions
Multiplication: Word Problems (Part Two)
Irregular Past-Tense Verbs: I Knew It!
Equivalent Fractions: Find The Partner
Division: Arrays For Division (Part Two)
Units Of Length
Scrambled Sentences: Bedtime Bugs
The Elephant Child
Sensory Words
Mixed Problems Requiring Estimation
Color By Number: The Presidential Seal
Enhancing Third Graders’ Math Skill through 3rd Grade Math Worksheets
3rd grade math Worksheets is essentially important to support the students activity in understanding and deepening their ability in doing mathematics operations. The 3rd grade math Worksheets will provide students with further numeracy concepts. It also introduces some new concepts of division, decimals, measurements and also geometry. Today, there are so many kinds of math Worksheets, especially the 3rd grade math Worksheets, that you can find on the internet to help enhance the students ability in calculating, and they all are printable for free.
Addition Worksheets
Addition is the simplest and easiest math operations of all. Almost every student of any grade doesn’t find any meaningful problem when solving this kind of math operation. However, when you want to find more challenging addition math worksheet, this worksheet might be fulfill your expectation. On this Worksheet you will find that the students will learn to add numbers with ones, tens, and hundreds. You’ll see certain numbers in three-digit forms on the first column, and then you have to add the number with one, ten, and a hundred and then write down the result on the next column. By exercising using this math worksheet, the students also have a chance to develop their mental addition skill.
Subtraction Worksheets
Based on its difficulty level, subtraction is obviously more difficult than addition operation. On the 3rd grade subtraction worksheet, students may find help to increase their ability in subtracting numbers. One of the math worksheets on subtraction is in the form of two-digit mental subtraction. On this Worksheet students will practice to subtract two-digit numbers to achieve their fluency in subtracting.
Multiplication Worksheets
On this multiplication worksheet, students will be introduced with the meaning of multiplication first. This understanding is important as the main foundation so that the third graders will be able to continue their journey in doing multiplication problems later in the higher level. To build the firm understanding, on the worksheet students may find some illustration of the multiplication problems, then the students should write the correct multiple sentence.
Division Worksheets
Some students, especially at the lower level, commonly find that division is a difficult math operation. Therefore, the basic understanding of the division concept is really important in this level. The best way to help children build understanding of the division is through pictures or illustration. On the division worksheet, students will find some illustration then they will need to choose the division equation which is in accordance to the illustration. As they are fluent enough on this kind of worksheet, they may be ready for the harder problems of division.
Clocks and Time Worksheets
The 3rd grade clocks and time worksheet provides students with further practices in reading analog clock and telling the time, including converting units of time. This worksheets will provide students further practices on converting between different units of time, for example, convert the time between hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, etc.
Numbers and Comparing Worksheets
You can find here a number of worksheets on comparing numbers from 3 to 5 digit numbers. On the first sheet you will find problems which require you to compare between single and double digit numbers. Then on the next 3rd grade numbers and comparing worksheets you will find the problems increases gradually from comparing two digit number, then three digit number until five digit numbers.
Equivalent Fractions Worksheets
On this 3rd grade equivalent fractions worksheets you’re going to find problems which are composed gradually based on the difficulty level so that you can choose which one is suitable for you. A lot of exercises are also available to help you deepen your understanding of the concept of equivalent fractions. On the worksheets you will see the equivalent fractions problems with the help of diagram. You will see two different diagrams, if the two diagrams show the same value it means that they are equal.
Compare Fraction Worksheets
There are various problems on this kind of 3rd grade worksheet. The simplest way of comparing fractions problems that you commonly find in compare fraction worksheets is by using pie charts. Students are provided with fractions with the same denominator and they have to decide whether the fractions given are equal or one is larger than the other one.
Mixed Operations with Fractions Worksheets
3rd grade mixed operations with fractions math worksheets would give students word problems which involve fractions in it. The operation is in the introductory level of course, and the main aim is to enforce the use of the fractions in the real situations. This worksheet will require students to do simple addition and subtraction of mixed numbers and subtraction. And the fractions given are the fractions with the same denominators.
Mixed Operations Worksheets
Any 3rd grade math worksheets will always come in various ways, and the mixed operations math does too. If you need a little bit challenge for practicing mixed operations for your third graders, this worksheet might be suitable for you. Not only increase the ability in counting, but this worksheets would also need your critical thinking in solving the problems. Present in the word problems, not require deep reading, because the sentences are quite short, and you will not find any unimportant data as distraction. Since the main aim from the problems is to ask the students to identify which math operation should they apply so that they can come to the answers. Whether it is addition, subtraction, multiplication or even division?
Equations and Variables Worksheets
This worksheet is aimed for the students of 3rd grader to recognize the use of variables to represents unknown in an equation. In this equations and variables worksheet, you will find word problems which involve some variables. The problems are actually simple problems which require simple math operations, but they are shown in forms of stated variables. What the students have to do is to write the equation using that variable and then solve the problems.
Two dimensional Shapes Worksheets
This worksheets focuses more on the two dimensional problems especially the quadrilaterals and circles. As you know that quadrilaterals have different types, and on this worksheet the students are asked to describe the properties of the quadrilaterals by identifying its properties, such as the number of its parallel sides. While for the circles, in this 3rd grade worksheet the students will need to identify the characteristics of circles, such as center, diameter, circumference, and chord.
Three Dimensional Shapes Worksheets
This worksheet will be suitable for the third graders who want to sharpen their understanding of three dimensional objects. On this worksheet students will be provided with some pictures of three dimensional objects and they have to mention its properties like the faces, edges, and vertices. The students have to mention the names of the shapes as well.
Geometric Measurement Worksheets
Protractor is an essential tool to measure the angle of an object. This worksheets will provide students of third graders exercises of how to measure angle using a real protractor. In this 3rd grade geometric measurement worksheet, students are asked to use protractor to draw certain angle and determine if the angle is acute, obtuse, straight or 90 degrees. Then students are also provided pictures of some angles and they have to measure it using the protractor.
Data and Graphs Worksheets
Data can be presented in many ways; one of them is presenting it by using bar graphs. In this worksheets the students of third graders will be given certain data of students’ most favorite subject at school, and then they have to transform the data into the bar graphs.
Logical Reasoning Worksheets
Logical reasoning problems are commonly associated with harder thinking activity. However, for lower level students like third graders, logical reasoning problems could be presented in interesting ways such as coloring. In this worksheets the students will be provided with some shapes and some instructions to color the shapes. Each of instruction should be read and understood carefully so that the students can determine which shape should be shaded by which color in accordance to the instruction. The combination activity of coloring and identifying shapes is both challenging and fun so that the children will find it interesting to do the operations.
Counting Money Worksheets
In early stages, counting money problems given to the students are usually the practical application of counting ability. In this 3rd grade worksheets about counting money, the students will find word problems which involve some practices in counting money and how to make change and total purchase as well. Students will be provided with some shopping lists and they have to answer the questions about the shopping list given. They also have to make the total cost of the purchase they make, and also make the change. The focus of this worksheets is actually on the careful reading of the problems so that the students can come with the correct solution.
Patterns Worksheets
In this worksheets students will find problems which sharpen their skill in recognizing number patterns. The number patterns is only up to 100 so that the third graders won’t find any harder operations when they are doing the exercises given on this 3rd grade patterns worksheets. On the worksheets the students will find series of number and then they have to complete those series by using some math operations suitable with the pattern. The simple operations such addition or subtraction is most likely needed for this kind of problems since the problems are designed especially for lower level students.
Probability and statistics math Worksheets
On this Worksheets the third graders will have a chance to deepen their understanding of probability by practicing probability problems using candies in the pouch. Students will be given candies with various flavors and then those candies are put inside a pouch. Then students will have to determine the probability asked along the Worksheets.
In addition, students of the third graders will also learn about statistics through this 3rd grade probability and statistics worksheets. Using tally mark is an easy way to collect and keep track of the data or information we’ve got previously. Here, the students will learn how to collect the data of students’ favorite sport by using tally chart.
Estimation and Rounding Worksheets
First of all, teach the students about rounding to the nearest number of hundreds. Make sure they have understood the concept you taught. Then, on this estimation and rounding worksheets the students will use the rounding to estimate the addition operations of two or three digit numbers. This worksheets contains exercises on rounding to the nearest hundreds, estimation and addition operation. Students who have firmly understood the rounding and estimation can use them to solve the problems given on the worksheets.
Mathematics has always been a challenging subject for students at any level, including the lower level students like third graders. The availability of 3rd grade math worksheets do help those students to sharpen their math skill and their fluency in counting. The worksheets also enrich the teachers’ collection of math problems. Plus, for the parents, those math Worksheetss can save them from making new math problems for the children whenever the children should study at home.